Friday, 14 June 2013

The Charm Of The Camden Line...Another Challenge.


Around 5 or 6 years ago while researching Cream Sheds, I came across an example of the shed located at Narellan and during this time developed a fascination for the Campbelltown to Camden Railway.  In more recent times again due to research my fondness of this quaint little branchline of yesteryear has been rekindled.  Whichever way one looks at is a ripe prototype subject for modelling purposes and for me has just about every aspect that I find enjoyable about the hobby.  Firstly is the plethora of differing styles of architecture and variety in the infrastructure which first draws the eye.  The grades, curves and limited length of trains lends itself to a prospective layout builder who has limited space and the ability to selectively compress the distances between stations.  Operationally the branch has a lot to offer as well.   It would also be a winner for the modeller with limited funds as there were really only two regular classes of steam locos that traversed the line and probably another four or so classes of diesel power that graced the branchline, with the only drawback about the required locomotives being that none of them are commercially available RTR...but there is a glimmer of hope with the 20 class being mooted by Austrains that soon may be available.  Rollingstock would also be a rather comparatively cheap option given the limited variety of traffic sources on the line.  For me, this paragraph does little, as my decision has been made and the bulk of the track for my layout has been already laid...but in another life this branch would figure high on my list for a myriad of reasons.

So what has this branchline have to do with this post???.  Well as much as the main stations on this line have familiar styles of station buildings, it is the wayside stations and the sheer variety that have over the years, caught my eye and in particular the style of platform construction.  I would feel sure that there are similar examples of this style on other branchlines...but for me it was time to attempt to recreate at least one in model form. I have a plan to model four locations but have decided to commence with Graham's Hill which was first station on the down after leaving Narellan for Camden.

The construction of the platform is essentially a "pig sty" of recycled sleepers for the main structure with a recycled sleeper decking.  Both ends sport a traditional ramp to ground level.  Of interest is the platform height on all the Camden "wayside" examples, which appear to be at a lower level than normal platform height and this possibly has more to do with these location being of a lowly stature in the scheme of things rather than anything else. Graham's Hill had a small waiting room with a skillion roof which I have decided to mount on a sleeper stack base only because of the lack of any evidence (that I have) to the contrary.  Indeed I have no actual dimensions for this location at all and all dimensions modelled have been visually scaled off photographs.

So...while the Cream Shed project referred to in earlier posts has had the landscaping done and is in the process of drying ( a lengthy process in Southern Tableland Winters )...I have made a start on the Graham's Hill wayside station and hopefully I will get a chance over the weekend to complete the main structure and it will then join the queue of  cameos awaiting landscaping....As per usual I will post progress as it occurs.

There are many journals and books with reference to this line...but for those interested... in Byways Of Steam 21 there is a story of the Camden Line and within is a page devoted to photos of the wayside stations...

The Basic Platform Assembly

With Decking Now Added

Waiting Room Frame and Cladding Awaiting Fitment
Waiting Room Base Added...Waiting Room Shed and Handrails Will Complete The Scene...


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