Monday, 10 June 2013

Cream Shed Part 2...And Another Bout Of The Yips.


While I did manage to "fly under the domestic radar" for most of the weekend...Some self imposed changes to my little project did hold up proceedings a little.  I have this little affliction when modelling a specific project and while I have normally over researched the intended subject well beforehand and have it all planned in my head...I tend to get the yips when sitting at the work bench, itching to begin, which sees me scurry off to do some more research before the glue is opened and the paint jars are unsealed.  I guess you can never do enough research....but this last minute procrastination can be very frustrating...

While on the subject of research...there is one interesting point about Cream Sheds that does deserve a mention.  The vast majority of skillion roofed railway structures are designed and sited so that the roof slopes towards the track and the humble little Cream Shed does the exact opposite.  I have no idea as to the reason for this intriguing anomaly....but even some of the departmental "General Arrangement" drawings and the invaluable Greg Edwards drawings of the Type E sheds, show the slope towards the track just like the rest of the platform structures.  I have spent countless hours perusing all research material and photos and I cannot find one example that follows the government guidelines.  All photos I have show the roof sloping away from the track.  If any one can point me to an opposite example, I would be appreciative.    One word of caution ( hard learned advice ) is to never blindly utilise the "General Arrangement" drawings as the only source of information when researching an item....I have found too many times that the "As Built" structures can vary modestly or hugely from these drawings...The reason for these deviations are many and varied and deserves a post all of it's own...but not for now...     

In my last post I outlined the method in which the shed would be sited and while this was prototypically correct for at least two locations, it quickly became apparent ( to me anyway ) that this fitment was not in the best interests of the overall appearance of the finished scene and a decision was made to modify the plan to a more traditional approach. The attached photos will show what has been achieved as against the description of the planned project in the last post...The scene is far from complete but has been very enjoyable so far.  The completed platform facing will not be wasted and will form the basis of another scene later on.



  1. Hey Rod, have you ever thought of doing the frame walls of a goods shed in the various sizes available in NSW. So that then the builder only has to add the corro iron to the outside? It would not be too much different to what you've already done in this kit, and would save countless hours, giving a really nicely detailed model. Anyway just a thought. Love the cream shed, looking forward to the kit being available,

  2. Geoff,
    Thanks for your comments. I can assure you that a myriad of ideas go through my head on a daily basis. The only issue with releasing the "skeleton" frames of certain pieces of infrastructure is the fragility. Indeed one of the problems with the Cream Shed project is the ability to ensure all items are kept to prototypical dimensions versus being able to ensure that these components reach the buyer in an undamaged state and that the components can be easily assembled by the masses. It is something that we are striving to overcome as we can see that there is a need or want for these types of structures that while being prototypically accurate still allow the builder to add their own creative or personal stamp to them.
    Presently with the "perfection" of the round pile bents for the bridges...we are in the process of developing the timber opening or trestle range as well. Time is certainly the enemy here with all of the present and intended range...but while the inspiration and juices still flow we will continue to make progress. And we welcome the input...

  3. Hi Rod,

    I believe that Kiama had a cream shed at one stage, and I'm trying to find out more. Would you have anything in regards to a cream shed at this location?



  4. Hi Rod,
    Did your research uncover any further details of the cream sheds? I have an old Type E closed wall version as per Ian Lindsay kit, yet find any photos of the type.
