Tuesday, 24 April 2012

" If It Becomes A Chore...It Ceases To Be A Hobby"

I rarely give advice to anyone in the hobby...( some who know me would probably proffer that this is wise as no one would listen anyway )... but the statement contained in the title of the posting is something i always hold close.

I guess we all have had moments where the creative juices dry up or we just get jaded...

This is where the uniqueness of the hobby comes to the fore.  There are so many facets to this great hobby that allow us to move from one complete mindset to another.

I must admit that i am at present finding it hard to spend any longer than an hour or so in the trainroom at the one time.  I need a break from tracklaying, point motors, wiring & control panels.

Scenery & ballast is required to the finished sections....but as stated... i need a break...

It is probably wise to back away or quality will most likely suffer.

This feeling i am sure will be short lived but for the last couple of weeks my attention has been drawn to completing some of the rollingstock projects that have laid dormant for some time.

We all have that stack of boxes or drawers full of UFOs, opened & unopened kits that require our attention...

I have included some shots of a cross section of the current projects, some close to completion & others...well...

As i compiled these shots i realised the irony in that all of these wagons that i have laboured over, are or will shortly be available RTR...Ah well i don't think i will ever lose the interest in building from kit or finishing off with the air brush.


Ready to be dissasembled for washing & primer.....

Almost ready for service....after a final appointment with the airbrush


CV almost ready...


Some heavy weathering...maybe lighting & the CCA will be ready for the branch

More 4 wheel variants under primer... a mix of plastic & whitemetal kits


  1. Would love to see trestles like these in your range of kits Rod !

  2. Gary,

    Very possible to reproduce...the only issue is how high to make them...everyone has a different river valley depth so it is hard to ensure all avenues covered...

