Sunday, 1 April 2012

More On Cobalts

Hi All,

Just thought i would offer an observation on Cobalt Point Motors...

During commissioning during the last week or so, one thing became apparent....that being that no two Cobalts act the same.

Each unit displays a unique speed at which it operates, or throws & each varies in noise that it emits.

I found this puzzling & thought that i may have not installed some correctly...but check & doublecheck of connections, input voltage, adjustment or foreign objects blocking movement or actuator wire proved fruitless...All was as it should be...

I then searched the web for any unknown issues & on the many forums that i visited ( mainly abroad) it became apparent that what i was experiencing was normal & was the only issue that appeared as any "weakness" to these units.

While it does not affect the overall experience of using these was somewhat daunting to experience for the first time.

Any other observations are welcome.

The "Dark Side" of the layout during wiring

Regards, Rod

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