Sunday, 16 September 2012

Timber Openings-1... Layout-0


Been a while... Not much to report on the layout front apart from finding out that a 47 class i bought on ebay earlier this year & advertised as DCC not DCC fitted at all... Bugger.   Don't you just hate that!!!   I placed the loco on the test track, it hummed a bit & then the readout on the NCE handpiece displayed the message  " YOU ARE AN IDIOT"

In fairness if it had been fitted with a decoder it would still need to be changed over to a sound unit & that does pose the question....What Tsunami decoder & sound files suit the 47???....Any input welcome..

On other things... the "real" side of the business has been experiencing a prolonged bout of feverish activity which, while welcome, has made time available to spend on the kit preparation minimal & the layout non existent.  I promised myself that 7 day working weeks would cease when i turned 50....That was a croc.

On the kit front....

With the little time available i have been making steady progress on the coal stage instructions...which is really the only hurdle to overcome before release takes place.  Packaging & box labelling have been completed & all component designs have been finalised.   

The Cream Shed progress is also getting a bit of attention & when i find a steady supply of corrugated card for the roof this kit should be ready to fly. 

While on the subject of corrugated card. The unwillingness for the local suppliers to play ball & when one looks at the extortionate retail price per sheet ... I have engaged an engineering firm & have supplied working drawings with a view to manufacturing a machine to enable us to roll our own corrugated card.  This unit will also come in handy for other projects that continually spin around in my head.   I will update on progress.

The Paling Fence project needs a little refinement & when time permits these issues will be finalised & another addition should see the light of day.

Elevated Water Tank timber base kit is coming along also & i will do a dedicated post to this project soon.

It is interesting how as each kit is released... there is then the responsibility of keeping up stocks & this is all part of the learning curve i guess..... I will devote a day in the next week to replenish stocks of most existing kits.

With everything else going on I came across some drawings the other day titled " Timber Openings" these drawings grabbed my attention & even though i have manufactured components for bridges etc many times... I have never checked drawings of these "culvert fillers" to ensure that all was to exact prototype.  Now armed with these drawings i spent a bit of time this afternoon modifying my drawings to reflect reality.  I have only got as far as the wing abutments so far & burnt out a couple of these to check component fit etc... I would guess that a pair of these wings, a couple of intermediate bents & all decking components would make a nice kit that could be produced & single bents & extra decking could be offered for those with a larger opening ( culvert that is!! ).... Anyway i have included some shots of progress so far & will as time permits continue with further component design.

Well i would love to be adding more on the layout front....but i guess that's life...As always comments, advice & abuse welcome...

Progress so far...

Raw components below & finished wings above with piles & capping added


Bit of a close up...



  1. Hi Rod

    The following is a recommendation from Marcus from his main north website
    Trainorama 47 – Soundtraxx AT1000 Decoder # 828046 and a 19 mm Round MRC speaker. The same decoder Prime Mover sound as an NR.

    I have installed one of these in my 47 & it sounds great they can be a little tricky as space is tight
    I hope this helps and I look forward to some more kits in the future.

    Cheers Jon

  2. Jonathan,

    Thank you for that info... Very much appreciated. I will at least gather the hardware & probably attempt over christmas. I will at least feel comfortable with the AT1000 as i have done a few locos with that decoder type. Through the 47 conversion i may well gain the confidence to convert the 49s as well. As for the is purely time & for some reason there is that phenomena that as you get older the days seem shorter!!!???

    Regards & Thanks Again


  3. Rod

    Depending on how accurate you want the sound, there are actually none available for a 47class. The 47's had Caterpillar motors & the NRclass are from the GE stable.

    While the GE donks in them is fairly quiet it doesn't really sound like a Cat donk, & I do not believe the air horn would be correct either.
